Noakhali Science and Technology University

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Department of Oceanography

Academic Profile of Dr. Mohammad Abdul Momin Siddique

Dr. Mohammad Abdul Momin Siddique

About Dr. Mohammad Abdul Momin Siddique

Dr. Mohammad Abdul Momin Siddique graduated in Marine Science (B.Sc and M.S) from University of Chittagong, Bangladesh and received a second Master’s degree in Fisheries, Aquaculture Management and Economics from University of Tromso, Norway. Dr. Siddique earned his Ph.D in Fisheries at University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic in 2016. Currently, Dr. Siddique has been working as an Assistant Professor at Noakhali Science and Technology University in the Department of Oceanography, Bangladesh since February 2017.  Previously, Dr. Siddique served as Chairman, Department of Oceanography, Noakhali Science and Technology University; Assistant Director, Research Cell, Noakhali Science and Technology University; Research Scientist, Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology, Czech Republic. Dr. Siddique is keenly interested in working on Environmental Pollution, Microplastic Contamination, Biological Oceanography and Coastal Aquaculture related issues. During his fourteen years of academic and research career, Dr. Siddique has published more than 72 articles in high ranked journals which received more than 914 citations. His current H-index is 18 in Google Scholar and 14 in the Scopus databases. He has very good and effective research and scientific collaboration with several universities and highly reputed laboratories in Europe, North America, and Canada.



Mohammad Abdul Momin Siddique, Ph. D

Department of Oceanography, Noakhali Science and Technology University Noakhali 3814, Bangladesh; Telephone: +8801744134451, +8801825411177; E-mail: tigermomin@yahoo.com, siddique.ocn@nstu.edu.bd


Journal Articles

01.    Hassan, H.U., Ali, Q.M., Ahmed, A.E., Gabol, K., Swelum, A.A., Masood, Z., Mushtaq, S., Gul, Y., Rizwan, S., Zulfiqar, T., Siddique, M.A.M., 2024. Growth performance and survivability of the Asian seabass Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) reared under hyper-saline, hypo-saline and freshwater environments in a closed aquaculture system. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 84, e254161 (IF 2020 = 1.651).
02.    Rahman, M., Rima, S.A., Saha, S.K., Saima, J., Hossain, M.S., Tanni, T.N., Bakar, M.A., Siddique, M.A.M., 2022. Pollution evaluation and health risk assessment of heavy metals in the surface water of a remote island Nijhum Dweep, northern Bay of Bengal. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 18, 100706 (Scopus cited).  
03.    Rahman, M., Saima, J., Rima, S.A., Hossain, M.I.S., Das, D.K., Bakar, M.A., Siddique, M.A.M., 2022. Ecological risks of heavy metals on surficial sediment of Nijhum Dweep (Island), an important biodiversity area of Bangladesh. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 179, 113688 (IF 2020 = 5.553).
04.    Rahman, M., Das, R.S., Khan, M.S.I., Hossain, M.I.S., Faruque, M.E., Khan, N.S., Siddique, M.A.M., 2022. Textural characteristics of surficial sediments along the Noakhali coast, Bangladesh: An implication for mineral placer deposits exploration. Regional Studies in Marine Science 52, 102304 (IF 2022 = 1.624).
05.    Siddique, M.A.M., Uddin, A., Rahman, S.M.A., Rahman, M., Islam, M.S., Kibria, G., 2022. Microplastics in an anadromous national fish, Hilsa shad Tenualosa ilisha from the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 174, 113236 (IF 2020 = 5.553).
06.    Khan, M. S. K., Salin, K. R., Yakupitiyage, A., Tsusaka, T. W., Shrestha, S., Siddique, M.A.M., 2022. Effect of stocking density and tank colour on nursery growth performance, cannibalism and survival of the Asian seabass Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) in a recirculating aquaculture system. Aquaculture Research 53, 2472-2483 (IF 2020 = 2.082).
07.    Abidin, Z.U., Hassan, H.U., Masood, Z., Azmat, H., Paray, B.A., Khan, W., Shah, M.I.A., Gulnaz, A., Ullah, A., Zulfiqar, T., Siddique, M.A.M., 2022. Effect of dietary supplementation of Neem, Azadirachta indica leaf extracts on enhancing the growth performance, chemical composition and survival of Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 29, 3075-3081 (IF 2020 = 4.219).
08.    Hassan, H.U., Ali, Q.M., Siddique, M.A.M., Hasan, M.R., Hossain, M.Y., 2022. Effects of dietary protein levels on growth, nutritional utilization, carcass composition and survival of Asian seabass Lates Calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) fingerlings rearing in net cages. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences 38, 21-27 (IF 2020 = 0.620).
09.    Siddique, M.A.M., Hossain, S., Uddin, A., Islam, J., 2021. Size frequency, LWRs, LLRs, and Fulton’s condition factor of Burmese gobyeel, Taenioides buchanani (Day, 1873), collected from the Hatiya Island, Meghna River estuary, Bangladesh. Fisheries & Aquatic Life, 29(4), 223-229 (Scopus cited).
10.    Haque, M.A., Hossain, M.I., AftabUddin, S., Habib, A., Siddique, M.A.M., 2021. First onboard fertilization of Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer: effects of egg stocking density on the fertilization, hatching and survival rate. Scientific African, 12, e00841 (Scopus cited). 
11.    Khan, M.S.K., Salin, K.R., Yakupitiyage, A., Siddique, M.A.M., 2021. Effect of stocking densities on the growth performance, cannibalism and survival of Asian seabass Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) fry in different nursery rearing system. Aquaculture Research 52(11), 5332-5339 (IF 2020 = 2.082).
12.    Shahriar, S.A., Siddique, M.A.M., Rahman, S.M.A., 2021. Climate change projection using statistical downscaling model over Chittagong Division, Bangladesh. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 133(4), 1409-1427 (IF 2020 = 2.065).
13.    Rahman, M., Tushar, M.A.N., Zahid, A., Mustafa, M.G., Siddique, M.A.M., Ahmed, K.M., 2021. Spatial distribution of manganese in groundwater and associated human health risk in the southern part of the Bengal Basin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 41061-41070 (IF 2020 = 4.223).
14.    Hussain, M., Hassan, H.U., Siddique, M.A.M., Mahmood, K., Abdel-Aziz, M.F.A., Laghari, M.Y., Abro, N.A., Gabol, K. and Rizwan, S., 2021. Effect of varying dietary protein levels on growth performance and survival of milkfish Chanos chanos fingerlings reared in brackish water pond ecosystem. The Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 47, 329-334 (Scopus cited).
15.    Rahman, M., Tushar, M.A.N., Zahid, A., Ahmed, K.M.U., Siddique, M.A.M., Mustafa, M.G., 2021. Spatiotemporal distribution of boron in the groundwater and human health risk assessment from the coastal region of Bangladesh. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 21964-21977 (IF 2020 = 4.223).
16.    AftabUddin, S., Siddique, M. A. M., Habib, A., Akter, S., Hossen, S., Tanchangya, P., Abdullah Al, M., 2021. Effects of seaweeds extract on growth, survival, antibacterial activities, and immune responses of Penaeus monodon against Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Italian Journal of Animal Science 20(1), 243-255 (IF 2020 = 2.217)
17.    Siddique, M. A. M., Rahman, M., Khan, N. S., & Islam, M. M., 2021. Size Frequency, Length-Weight, and Length-Length Relationship of Bearded Worm Goby Taenioides cirratus (Blyth, 1860) from the Noakhali Coast, Bay of Bengal. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences 37, 347-351 (IF 2020 = 0.620).
18.    Das, J., Hossain, M. S., Hasan, J., Siddique, M. A. M., 2021. Growth Performance and Egg Ratio of a Marine Rotifer Brachionus rotundiformis Fed Different Diets in Captivity. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences 37, 113-118 (IF 2020 = 0.620).
19.    Siddique, M.A.M., Rahman, M., Rahman, S.M.A., Hassan, M.R., Fardous, Z., Chowdhury, M.A.Z., Hossain, M.B., 2021. Assessment of heavy metal contamination in the surficial sediments from the lower Meghna River estuary, Noakhali coast, Bangladesh. International Journal of Sediment Research 36, 384-391 (IF 2020 = 2.902).
20.    AftabUddin, S., Siddique, M. A. M., Sein, A., Dey, P. K., Rashed-Un-Nabi, M., Haque, M. A., 2020. First use of biofloc technology for Penaeus monodon culture in Bangladesh: Effects of stocking density on growth performance of shrimp, water quality and bacterial growth. Aquaculture Reports 18, 100518 (IF 2019 = 2.289).
21.    Ahmad, N., Siddiqui, J.P.A., Nabi, G., Khan, K.M., Ali, A., Zamir, Y., Siddique, M.A.M., Amir, S.A., Khokhar, F.N. and Amin, M., 2020. Partial Substitution of Fishmeal with Plant Protein Source the Soybean Meal in the Diets of Arabian Yellowfin Seabream Acanthopagrus arabicus Juveniles. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences 36 (2), 589–596 (IF 2019 = 0.657).
22.    Das, R.S., Rahman, M., Sufian, N.P., Rahman, S.M.A., Siddique, M.A.M., 2020. Assessment of soil salinity in the accreted and non-accreted land and its implication on the agricultural aspects of the Noakhali coastal region, Bangladesh. Heliyon 6(9), e04926 (Scopus cited).
23.    Cheng, Y., Xin, M., Gela, D., Rodina, M., Tučková, V., Kašpar, V., Siddique, M.A.M., Shelton, W.L., Linhart, O., 2020. Optimization of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) egg incubation. Animal Reproduction Science 106334 (IF 2019 = 1.660).
24.    Laczynska, B., Demska‐Zakes, K., Siddique, M.A.M., Fopp‐Bayat, D. 2020. Meiotic gynogenesis affects the individual and gonadal development in sterlet Acipenser ruthenus. Aquaculture Research 51(9), 3623-3630 (IF 2019 = 1.748).
25.    Laczynska, B., Siddique, M.A.M., Ziomek, E., Shelton, W.L., Fopp‐Bayat, D. 2020. Early weaning effects on survival, growth and histopathology of larval sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus). North American Journal of Aquaculture 82, 181-189 (IF 2019 = 0.837).
26.    Rahman, S.M.A., Robin, G.S., Momotaj, M., Uddin, J., Siddique, M.A.M., 2020. Occurrence and spatial distribution of microplastics in beach sediments of Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. Marine Pollution Bulletin 160, 111587 (IF 2019 = 4.049).
27.    Siddique, M.A.M., Hossain, M.S., Hossain, M.S., Hasan, Z., Das, J., Mustafa, G., 2020. Some population parameters of Bengal yellowfin seabream, Acanthopagrus longispinnis (Val.), from Hatiya Island, Bay of Bengal. Fisheries & Aquatic Life 28, 149-154.
28.    Xin, M., Niksirat, H., Shaliutina‐Kolešová, A., Siddique, M.A.M., Sterba, J., Boryshpolets, S., Linhart, O., 2020. Molecular and subcellular cryoinjury of fish spermatozoa and approaches to improve cryopreservation. Reviews in Aquaculture 12(2), 909-924 (IF 2019 = 7.772).
29.    Xin, M., Sterba, J., Shaliutina-Kolesova, A., Dzyuba, B., Lieskovska, J., Boryshpolets, S., Siddique, M.A.M., Kholodnyy, V., Lebeda, I., Linhart, O., 2018. Protective role of antifreeze proteins on sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) sperm during cryopreservation. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 44 (6), 1527-1533 (IF 2017=1.735).
30.    AftabUddin, S., Roman, W.U., Hasan, C.K., Ahmed, M., Rahman, H., Siddique, M.A.M., 2018. First incidence of loose-shell syndrome disease in the giant tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon from the brackish water ponds in Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Animal Research 46(1), 210-217 (IF 2017 = 0.826).
31.    Boccaletto, P., Siddique, M.A.M., Cosson, J., 2018. Proteomics: A valuable approach to elucidate spermatozoa post–testicular maturation in the endangered Acipenseridae family.  Animal Reproduction Science 192, 18-27 (IF 2017 = 1.647).
32.    Kumar, U., Rajaee, A. H., Idris, M. H., Nesarul, M. H., Siddique, M.A.M., Abu Hena, M. K., 2018. Length‐weight relationships of Secutor interruptus (Valencennes, 1835) and Opisthopterus tardoore (Cuvier, 1829) from the South China Sea, Sarawak.  Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 34, 703-705 (IF 2016 = 0.845).
33.    Rahman, M., Khan, M. R., Ahmed, K. M., Zahid, A., Siddique, M.A.M., 2018. An assessment of nitrate concentration in the groundwater of the central coastal region of Bangladesh. The Journal of NOAMI, 35(1-2), 107-116. 
34.    Abu Hena, M.K., Idris, M.H., Rajaee, A.H., Siddique, M.A.M., 2017. Length-weight relationships of three fish species from a tropical mangrove estuary of Sarawak, Malaysia. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 33, 858-860 (IF 2016 = 0.845).
35.    AftabUddin, S., Siddique, M.A.M., Romkey, S. S., Shelton, W. L., 2017. Antibacterial function of herbal extracts on growth, survival and immunoprotection in the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 65, 52-58 (IF 2016 = 3.148).
36.    Dadras, H., Zahmatkesh, M., Khara, H., Noveiri, S.B., Golpour, A., Siddique, M.A.M., 2017. Effects of age on the reproductive performance of different males and females in bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (Richardson, 1845). Comparative Clinical Pathology, 26 (5), 1165-1171. 
37.    Dadras, H., Dzyuba, B., Cosson, J., Siddique, M.A.M., Linhart, O., 2017. Effect of water temperature on the physiology of fish spermatozoon function: a brief review. Aquaculture Research, 48(3): 729-740 (IF 2016 = 1.461).
38.    Laczynska, B., Siddique, M.A.M., Liszewski, T., Kucinski, M., Fopp-Bayat, D., 2017. Effects of feeding rate on growth performance of the gynogenetic albino sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 33(3), 323-327 (IF 2016 = 0.845).
39.    Siddique, M.A.M., Linhart, O., Krejszeff, S., Żarski, D., Pitcher, T.E., Butts, I.A.E.,2017. Paternal identity impacts embryonic development for two species of freshwater fish. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 245, 30-35 (IF 2016 = 2.585).
40.    Siddique, M.A.M., Butts, I.A.E., Linhart, O., Macias, A.D., Fauvel, C., 2017. Fertilization strategies for Sea Bass Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758): Effects of pre-incubation and duration of egg receptivity in seawater. Aquaculture Research, 48(2), 386-394 (IF 2016 = 1.461).
41.    Xin, M., Siddique, M.A.M., Dzyuba, B., Cuevas-Uribe, R., Shaliutina-Kolešová, A., Linhart, O., 2017. Progress and challenges of fish sperm vitrification: A mini review. Theriogenology 98,16-22 (IF 2016 = 1.986).
42.    Golpour. A., Siddique, M.A.M., de Siqueira-Silva, D.H., Pšenička, M., 2016. Inducing sterility in aquaculture and its opportunities and challenges in germ cell transplantation technology: A review. Biologia 71(8), 853-864 (IF 2015 = 0.719).
43.    Golpour. A., Siddique, M.A.M., Rodina, M., Pšenička, M., 2016. Short-term storage of cryopreserved sterlet Acipenser ruthenus testicular cells. Cryobiology 72, 154-156 (IF 2015 = 1.920). 
44.    Linhart, O., Shelton, W.L., Tučková, V., Rodina, M., Siddique, M.A.M., 2016. Effects of temperature on in vitro short-term storage of sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) ova. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 51, 165-170 (IF 2015 = 1.210).
45.    Siddique, M.A.M., Butts, I.A.E., Cosson, J., Linhart, O., 2016. First report on facultative parthenogenetic activation of eggs in sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus. Animal Reproduction Science 168, 110-115 (IF 2015 = 1.377).
46.    Siddique, M.A.M., Linhart, O., Krejszeff, S., Żarski, D., Król, J., Butts, I.A.E., 2016. Effects of preincubation of eggs and activation medium on the percentage of eyed embryos in ide (Leuciscus idus), an externally fertilizing fish. Theriogenology 85 (5), 849-855 (IF 2015 = 1.838).
47.    Siddique, M.A.M., Linhart, O., Kujawa, R., Krejszeff, S., Butts, I.A.E., 2016. Seminal plasma and ovarian fluid biochemistry of Ide Leuciscus idus and Northern pike Esox lucius. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 51, 960–969 (IF 2015 = 1.210).
48.    Siddique, M.A.M., Niksirat, H., Linhart, O., 2016. Comparative coelomic fluid composition of sterlet sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758, Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869, and Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt & Ratzeburg, 1833. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 32, 820-824 (IF 2015 = 0.783).
49.    Siddique, M.A.M., Psenicka, M., Cosson, J., Dzyuba, B., Rodina, M., Golpour, A., Linhart, O., 2016. Egg stickiness in artificial reproduction of sturgeon: an overview. Reviews in Aquaculture 8(1), 18-29 (IF 2015 = 4.769).
50.    Bhuiyan, M.K.A., Qureshi, S., Abu Hena, M.K., AftabUddin, S., Siddique, M.A.M., 2016. Proximate Chemical Composition of Sea Grapes Caulerpa racemosa (J. Agardh, 1873) Collected from a Sub-Tropical Coast. Virology and Mycology, 5(158), 2161-0517.
51.    Siddique, M.A.M., Khan, M.S.K., Habib, A., Bhuiyan, M.K.A., AftabUddin, S., 2016. Size frequency and length-weight relationships of three semi-tropical cephalopods from the coastal waters of Bangladesh, Bay of Bengal. Zoology and Ecology 26 (3), 176-180 (SJR 2015 = 0.27).
52.    Siddique, M.A.M., Butts, I.A.E., Psenicka, M., Linhart, O., 2015. Effects of pre-incubation of eggs in freshwater and varying sperm concentration on fertilization rate in sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus. Animal Reproduction Science 159, 141-147 (IF 2014 = 1.511).
53.    Siddique, M.A.M., Arshad, A., Amin, S.M.N., 2015. Length-weight and length-length relationships of two tropical fish Secutor megalolepis (Mochizuki and Hayashi, 1989) and Rhabdamia gracilis(Bleeker, 1856) from Sabah, Malaysia. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31(3), 574-575 (IF 2014 = 0.867).
54.    Siddique, M.A.M., Khan, M.S.K., Aktar, M., 2015. Length-weight relationships for two Gobioid fishes Odontamblyopus rubicundus (Hamilton, 1822) and Pseudapocryptes elongatus (Cuvier, 1816) from the Bakkhali River estuary, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Zoology and Ecology 25 (2), 106-109.
55.    Siddique, M.A.M., Cosson, J., Psenicka, M., Linhart, O., 2014. A review of the structure of sturgeon egg membranes and of the associated terminology. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30 (6), 1246-1255 (IF 2013 = 0.903).
56.    Bhuiyan, M.K.A, Siddique, M.A.M., Zafar, M., Abu Hena, M.K., 2014. Spatial distribution of radioisotope concentrations in the offshore water and sediment of the Bay of Bengal (Indian Ocean), Bangladesh. Isotopes in Environmental & Health Studies 50(1), 134-141 (IF 2013 = 1.294).
57.    Siddique, M.A.M., Arshad, A., Amin, S.M.N., 2014. Length-weight relationships of the tropical cephalopod Uroteuthis chinensis (Gray, 1849) from Sabah, Malaysia. Zoology and Ecology 24(3), 215-218. 
58.    Aktar, M., Siddique, M.A.M., Khan, M.A.A., 2014. Trace metal concentrations in the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758) collected from Maheshkhali Channel, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Journal of FisheriesSciences.com 8(1), 42-51.
59.    Khan, M.S.K., Siddique, M.A.M., Zamal, H., 2013. Replacement of fish meal by plant protein sources in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) diet: growth performance and utilization. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 12(4), 864-872 (IF 2012 = 0.614).
60.    Khan, M.S.K., Siddique, M.A.M., Haque, M.A., 2013. New distribution record of longhorn cowfish Lactoria cornuta (Linnaeus 1758) from the inshore water of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Zoology and Ecology 23(1), 88-90.
61.    Siddique, M.A.M., Aktar, M., Mohd Azim, M.K., 2013. Proximate chemical composition and amino acid profile of two red seaweeds (Hypnea pannosa and Hypnea musciformis) collected from St. Martin’s Island, Bangladesh. Journal of FisheriesSciences.com 7(2),178-186.
62.    Siddique, M.A.M., Khan, M.S.K., Bhuiyan, M.K.A., 2013. Nutritional composition and amino acid profile of a sub-tropical red seaweed Gelidium pusillum collected from St. Martin’s Island, Bangladesh. International Food Research Journal 20 (5), 2287-2292.
63.    Siddique, M.A.M., Aktar, M., 2012. Heavy metals in salt marsh sediments of Porteresia bed along the Karnafully River coast, Chittagong. Soil and Water Research 7(3), 117-123 (IF 2012 = 0.333).
64.    Abu Hena, M.K., Kohinoor, S., Siddique, M.A.M., Ismail, J., Idris, M.H., Amin, S.M.N., 2012. Composition of Macrobenthos in the Bakkhali Channel System, Cox’s Bazar with Notes on Soil Parameter. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 15(13), 641-646.
65.    Siddique, M.A.M., Aktar, M., 2012. Detection of health hazard insecticide Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in some common marine dry fish samples from Bangladesh. Health 4(4), 185-189.
66.    Siddique, M.A.M., Aktar, M., 2012. Heavy metal concentration in pore water of salt marsh along the Karnafully River coast, Bangladesh. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 5(4), 241-248. 
67.    Siddique, M.A.M., 2012. Explaining the role of perceived risk, knowledge, price and cost in dry fish consumption within the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Journal of Global Marketing 25 (4), 181-201.
68.    Siddique, M.A.M., Abu Hena, M.K., Aktar, M., 2012. Trace metal concentrations in salt marsh sediments from Bakkhali River estuary, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Zoology and Ecology22 (3-4), 254-259.
69.    Siddique, M.A.M., Barua, P., Ghani, M.H. 2012. Comparative study of physico-chemical properties of soil according to the age of aquaculture pond of Bangladesh. Mesopatamian Journal of Marine Science 27(1), 29-38.
70.    Siddique, M.A.M., Mojumder, P., Zamal, H., 2012. Proximate composition of three commercially available marine dry fishes (Harpodon nehereus, Johnius dussumieri and Lepturacanthus savala). American Journal of Food Technology 7(7), 429-436.
71.    Siddique, M.A.M., Aktar, M., 2011. Changes of Nutritional Value of Three Marine Dry Fishes (Johnius dussumieri, Harpodon nehereus and Lepturacanthus savala) during Storage. Food and Nutrition Sciences 2 (10), 1082-1087.
72.    Siddique, M.A.M., 2011. Socio-Economics and Environmental impacts on coastal aquaculture in Southern Coastal Region of Bangladesh. Social Change 2(1 & 2), 24-36.

International conferences

01.    Rahman, M., Das, R. S., Hossain, M. I. S., Faruque, M. E., Siddique, M. A. M., 2020. Assessment of textural characteristics and mineralogical composition of surficial sediments from the Meghna River estuary (Poster presentation). International Conference on Earth & Environmental Sciences and Technology (ICEEST 2020), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 25-30 January 2020. 
02.    Das, R. S., Rahman, M., Sufian, N. P., Siddique, M. A. M., 2020. Salinity distribution in the accreted and non-accreted land of Noakhali district (Poster presentation). International Conference on Earth & Environmental Sciences and Technology (ICEEST 2020), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 25-30 January 2020.
03.    Hossain, M. S., Hossain, M. S., Hossain, M. M., Mustafa, M. G., Siddique, M. A. M., 2018. Standardization of the dose of 17αMethyltestosterone to produce monosex population of Tilapia (Poster presentation). 1st International Conference on Biological and Environmental Research: Recent Development, Challenges and Future Prospects (ICBR 2018), Jashore University of Science and Technology, Jashore, Bangladesh, 16-17 September 2018. 
04.    Xin, M.M., Shaliutina-Kolesova, A., Sterba, J., Siddique, M.A.M., Dzyuba, B., Boryshpolets, S., Kholodnyy, V., Li, P., Linhart, O., 2017. Protective role of antifreeze proteins on sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) spermatozoa during cryopreservation (Oral presentation). The 6th International Workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes, Ceske Budjouvce, Czech Republic, 4-7 September 2017.
05.    Siddique, M.A.M. and Linhart, O., 2017. Egg membrane reactivity of sterlet during activation and fertilization (Poster presentation). The 8th International Symposium on Sturgeon (ISS8), Vienna, Austria, 10-15 September 2017.
06.    Siddique, M.A.M., Linhart, O., Krejszeff, S., Żarski, D. and Butts, I.A.E., 2015. Duration of egg receptivity in different activating media for an externally fertilizing freshwater fish, Ide (Leuciscus idus) (Oral Presentation). Aquaculture Europe 2015, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 20-24 October 2015.
07.    Siddique, M.A.M., Linhart, O., Krejszeff, S., Żarski, D., Pitcher, T.E. and Butts, I.A.E., 2015. Gamete biochemistry and genetic architecture on the rate of eyed embryos in an externally fertilizing freshwater fish, Ide Leuciscus idus (Oral Presentation). The 5th International Workshop on the Biology of Fish Gametes, Ancona, Italy, 7-11 September 2015.
08.    Siddique, M.A.M. and Linhart, O., 2014. Fertilize ability of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) eggs using different quantity of sperm during pre-incubation with hatchery water (Oral presentation). Aquaculture Europe 2014, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, 14-17 October 2014.
09.    Siddique, M.A.M., 2012. Destruction of hundred year’s oldest mangrove Chakaria Sunderban forest: socio-economic impact on coastal communities. In proceeding of: Meeting on Mangrove ecology, functioning and Management (MMM3). Galle, Sri Lanka, 2-6 July 2012, VLIZ Special Publication, 57, 174.
10.    Abu Hena M.K and Siddique, M.A.M., 2010. Salinity intrusion and vulnerability of coastal crop land of Bangladesh to climate change and sea level rise: issues, challenges and future prospects (poster). In: Book of Abstracts. 3rd International Rice Congress, Hanoi, Vietnam. 8-12 November 2010, Abstract no. 4168.

Experiences and Activities

Professional Experience

Feb 2017 – continue 

Assistant Professor

Department of Oceanography, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali – 3814, Bangladesh

Aug 2017- May 2019

Assistant Director

Research Cell, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Noakhali – 3814, Bangladesh

Oct 2016 – Feb 2017

Research Scientist

Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.

Oct 2013 – Sept 2016

Researcher and Ph.D Candidate

Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.

Mar 2015 – May 2015

Visiting Researcher

Department of Lake and River Fisheries, Warmia and Mazury University in Olsztyn, Poland.

Jan 2015 – Mar 2015

Visiting Researcher

IFEMER, Station Expérimentale d’Aquaculture, Palavas Les Flots, France.


Honors and awards

2018: Received travel grant to participate OTGA training course: Regional Climate Change and Coastal Disaster Mitigation, Tianjin, China, 17-20 September, 2018.

2016: Awarded 810 Euro from AQUAGAMETE: Cost Action to attend The 7th Aquagamete Training School on “Fish Proteomics”, Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Olsztyn, Poland, 26-30 September, 2016. 

2016: Awarded 825 Euro from AQUAGAMETE: Cost Action to attend The 5th Aquagamete Training School on “Cryopreservation of fish germ cells”, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain, 7-11 March, 2016. 

2015: Awarded 2500 Euro for 45 days research stay in IFREMER, France from AQUAGAMETE: Cost ActionFA1205, Short Term Scientific Mission (EU project) 

2014: Received 634 Euro travel grant from AQUAGAMETE: Cost Action (EU project) for the participation of Aquaculture Europe 2014, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain 

2012: Partial grant for Participation of MMM3 (meeting on mangrove ecology, functioning and management) conference, Galle, Sri Lanka, awarded grant 250 Euro, provided by Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium 

2012: Graduate Research Assistantship scholarship from Department of Aquaculture, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia for the tenure of 12 months 

2010: Travel grant for the participation of International Rice Congress, Hanoi, Vietnam. gawarded grant amount 1000 USD, provided by Asia Congress 

2009: NORAD Fellowship from Norway for Master study in Fisheries, Aquaculture Economics and Management


Professional affiliations

Aquaculture Europe; AQUAGAMETE: Cost Action (EU)

National Center of Science and Technology evaluation committee, Ministry of Education and Science Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency, Sri Lanka


Experience with the Research Projects

2021-2022: Principal Investigator, “Occurrence and spatial distribution of microplastics pollution in the lower Meghna River Estuary, Noakhali Coast” project supported by the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, Bangladesh.

2021-2022: Principal Investigator, “Microplastics in the freshwater fishes at Noakhali and implication for human health” project supported by Research Cell, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh.

2020-2021: Principal Investigator, “Monitoring of heavy metals/trace metals using ‘Artificial Mussel technology’ in the lower Meghna River estuary, Noakhali coast” project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

2020-2021: Principal Investigator, “Evaluation of off-season sperm quality of climbing perch Anabas testudineus” project supported by Research Cell, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh.

2019-2021: Principal Investigator, “Characterization and antioxidant activities of polysaccharides extracted from different seaweeds” project supported by Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Marine Fisheries & Technology Station, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh under “Seaweed Culture & Seaweed Product Development in Bangladesh Coast project.”

2019-2020: Principal Investigator, “Gamete biology of Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) special reference to sperm quality” project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

2019-2020: Principal Investigator, “Effects of climate change and ocean acidification on marine microalgae in the coastal waters of Noakhali” project supported by Research Cell, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh.

2019-2020: Co-Principal Investigator, “Identification of textural characteristics and mineralogical composition of surficial sediments from Meghna River estuary along the Noakhali coast” project supported by Research Cell, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh.

2018-2019: Principal Investigator, “Study of beach heavy minerals and their concentration level in aquatic microphytes from the newly accreted Islands of Noakhali Coast, Bangladesh” project supported by the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, Bangladesh.

2018-2019: Principal Investigator, “Study of beach heavy minerals and their concentration level in the newly accreted Island of Noakhali Coast, Bangladesh” project supported by Research Cell, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh.

2018-2019: Principal Investigator, “Standardization of breeding protocol for bronze featherback Notopterus notopterus (Foli Mach)” project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

2017-2018: Principal Investigator, “Development of hatchery technology of few common culture species for small scale fish farms in Bangladesh” project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, People’s Republic of Bangladesh.