Md. Al-Amin
Assistant Professor | |
MBA (University of Dhaka) BBA (University of Dhaka) |
al-amin.mis@nstu.edu.bd | |
+8801920662272 | |
Blood Group: A+ | |
Joining Date : 2018-03-05 | |
Research Interests:
E-business, Mobile Financial Services, E-banking, ICT, Information Security, Big Data, Data Analytics, SCM, Social Networking, Cryptography etc.. |
About Md. Al-Amin
Being a committed –young, passionate, hardworking, flexible etc. guided by honesty and integrity I always dream for being a pioneer to shape the upcoming contemporary issues, thinking out of the box and also for an environment that ensures social equity and welfare...
Al-Amin, M., Sultana, N., Naf, S. M., & Sm, N. I. (2019). Customers’ Perceptions about Plastic Money towards Sustainable Banking in Bangladesh: A Technological Adoption. International Business Research, 12(6), 82-89. |
Md. Al Amin, S. M. (2019). Use of social media for job search and application: a perspective from the job seekers in Bangladesh. Discovery, 55(281), 158-166. |
Rahman, M. H., Dey, T., & Al-Amin, M. (2019). Relationship between Organizational Strategy and Leadership Style in Performance Efficiency. Asian Business Review, 9(1), 17-22. |
SM Nazrul Islam, Md.Al-Amin (2019). Measuring the Stakeholders Perceptions of Tourism Promotion In Bangladesh. Journal of Business Studies, University of Dhaka XL(1), 219-237. |
Roy, S. K., Salam, M. A., Islam, S.N., Al-Amin, M.(2020) Potentiality of Islands Based Tourism in Bangladesh: A Qualitative View from Existing Literature. International Business Research, 13(11), 106-113.https://doi.org/ibr.v13n11p106 |
Al-Amin. M., Rahman. M. H., Islam. SM. N. (2020) Investigating the factors influencing customers towards e-commerce shopping in Bangladesh. Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University (JNSTU). Volume 04, Issue: December-2020 (Accepted). |
Rahman. M.H., Mutsuddi. P., Roy .S. K., Al-Amin. M., Jannat. F. (2020) Performance Efficiency Evaluation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Application in Human Resource Management during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study on Banking Industry of Bangladesh. South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics. Volume: 08, Issue: 04, 46-56. https://doi.org/10.9734/sajsse/2020/v8i430218 |
Rahman. H.M., Al-Amin. M., Lipy. S. N. (2020) An Investigation on the Intention to Adopt Mobile Banking on Security Perspective in Bangladesh. Risk and Financial Management. Volume: 2, Issue: 2, 47-56. https://doi.org/10.30560/rfm.v2n2p47 |
9. Islam, S. N., Al-Amin, M., & Akter, S. R. (2021). COVID-19 Impact on Regional Tourism Development in Bangladesh-A Study of Cumilla District. South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics, 50-58. |
10. AL AMIN, M., SULTANA, N., SAHA, T., Islam, S. M., & KASHEM, M. A. (2021). Customer's Attitude toward Mobile Banking Usage: A Case Study in Bangladesh. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business, 8(2), 419-426. |
11. Rahman, M. H., Al-Amin, M. A. A., Salam, M. A., Saha, T., & Dey, T. (2021). Addressing Voluntary Turnover in Manufacturing Sectors: An Empirical Study. International Fellowship Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 1(1), 48-65. |
12. Al-Amin, M. Rahman, M.H (2020). Reviewing the impact of ICT Involvement on Tertiary Level Education: A Case Study. Bangladesh Journal of MIS, Volume 8, 99-114. |
Jannat, F., Mutsuddi, P., Rahman, M. H., & Al-Amin, M. Role of Green Banking on Sustainable Human Resource Management: An Empirical Study on Private Banks of Bangladesh. |
Experiences and Activities
1. Worked as a lecturer at the Department of Management Informations Systems at Noakhali Science and Technology University from 5th March 2018 to 4 March, 2020. |
2. Worked as an Assistant Proctor of Noakhali Science and Technology University from 11 February 2019 to 10 February 2020 |
3. Working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Management Information Systems at Nokhali Science and Technology University from 5th March 2020 to Present... |
4. Working as an Assistant Proctor of Noakhali Science and Technology University from 8 November 2020 To Present. |