Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 registrar@office.nstu.edu.bd

Department of Management Information Systems

Academic Profile of Md. Al-Amin

Md. Al-Amin

About Md. Al-Amin

Being a committed –young, passionate, hardworking, flexible etc. guided by honesty and integrity I always dream for being a pioneer to shape the upcoming contemporary issues, thinking out of the box and also for an environment that ensures social equity and welfare...


Al-Amin, M., Sultana, N., Naf, S. M., & Sm, N. I. (2019). Customers’ Perceptions about Plastic Money towards Sustainable Banking in Bangladesh: A Technological Adoption. International Business Research12(6), 82-89.

Md. Al Amin, S. M. (2019). Use of social media for job search and application: a perspective from the job seekers in Bangladesh. Discovery, 55(281), 158-166.

Rahman, M. H., Dey, T., & Al-Amin, M. (2019). Relationship between Organizational Strategy and Leadership Style in Performance Efficiency. Asian Business Review9(1), 17-22.

SM Nazrul Islam, Md.Al-Amin (2019). Measuring the Stakeholders Perceptions of Tourism Promotion In Bangladesh. Journal of Business Studies, University of Dhaka XL(1), 219-237.

Roy, S. K., Salam, M. A., Islam, S.N., Al-Amin, M.(2020) Potentiality of Islands Based Tourism in Bangladesh: A Qualitative View from Existing Literature. International Business Research, 13(11), 106-113.https://doi.org/ibr.v13n11p106

Al-Amin. M., Rahman. M. H., Islam. SM. N. (2020) Investigating the factors influencing customers towards e-commerce shopping in Bangladesh. Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University (JNSTU). Volume 04, Issue: December-2020 (Accepted). 

Rahman. M.H., Mutsuddi. P., Roy .S. K., Al-Amin. M., Jannat. F. (2020) Performance Efficiency Evaluation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Application in Human Resource Management during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study on Banking Industry of Bangladesh. South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics. Volume: 08, Issue: 04, 46-56. https://doi.org/10.9734/sajsse/2020/v8i430218

Rahman. H.M., Al-Amin. M., Lipy. S. N. (2020) An Investigation on the Intention to Adopt Mobile Banking on Security Perspective in Bangladesh. Risk and Financial Management. Volume: 2, Issue: 2, 47-56. https://doi.org/10.30560/rfm.v2n2p47

9. Islam, S. N., Al-Amin, M., & Akter, S. R. (2021). COVID-19 Impact on Regional Tourism Development in Bangladesh-A Study of Cumilla District. South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics, 50-58.

10. AL AMIN, M., SULTANA, N., SAHA, T., Islam, S. M., & KASHEM, M. A. (2021). Customer's Attitude toward Mobile Banking Usage: A Case Study in Bangladesh. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business8(2), 419-426.

11. Rahman, M. H., Al-Amin, M. A. A., Salam, M. A., Saha, T., & Dey, T. (2021). Addressing Voluntary Turnover in Manufacturing Sectors: An Empirical Study. International Fellowship Journal of Interdisciplinary Research1(1), 48-65.

12. Al-Amin, M. Rahman, M.H (2020). Reviewing the impact of ICT Involvement on Tertiary Level Education: A Case Study. Bangladesh Journal of MIS, Volume 8, 99-114.

Jannat, F., Mutsuddi, P., Rahman, M. H., & Al-Amin, M. Role of Green Banking on Sustainable Human Resource Management: An Empirical Study on Private Banks of Bangladesh.

Experiences and Activities

1. Worked as a lecturer at the Department of Management Informations Systems at Noakhali Science and Technology University from 5th March 2018 to 4 March, 2020.

2. Worked as an Assistant Proctor of Noakhali Science and Technology University from 11 February 2019 to 10 February 2020

3. Working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Management Information Systems at Nokhali Science and Technology University from 5th March 2020 to Present...

4. Working as an Assistant Proctor of Noakhali Science and Technology University from 8 November 2020 To Present.