Noakhali Science and Technology University

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Department of Fisheries and Marine Science

Academic Profile of Nazmun Naher Rima

Nazmun Naher Rima

About Nazmun Naher Rima


  1. Md Jahangir Sarker, Nazmun Naher Rima & Nahid Sultana (2020). Human Health Risk Assessment with Reference to the Consumption of Shrimp and Marine Fish.Pakistan Journal of Biological Science, 23(10):1291-1302 DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.2020.1291.1302
  2. Md Jahangir Sarker , Ullah Polash, Md Ariful Islam, Nazmun Naher Rima & Tania Farhana (2020), Heavy metals concentration in native edible fish at upper Meghna River and its associated tributaries in Bangladesh: a prospective human health concern. SN Applied Sciences 2(10) DOI: 10.1007/s42452-020-03445-z
  3. Suranjit Singha, Tasnim Sultana, Nazmun Naher Rima, Md Robiul Hasan & Ahsan Habib (2020), Status of Aqua Drugs Applied in Freshwater Aquaculture of Moulvibazar District, Bangladesh.,Asian Journal of Biology 10(4):22-31 DOI: 10.9734/AJOB/2020/v10i430113
  4. MD. JAHANGIR SARKER*, RIADUZZAMAN BHUIYAN, NUSRAT JAHAN PRIYA, NUR NAHAR, NAZMUN NAHAR RIMA & JESMIN AKTER, Behavioural patterns related to the marine fish consumption-An analysis of coastal belt households, Noakhali, Bangladesh., Bangladesh J. Fish. (2020) 32(2) : 343-356
  5. Rima, N.N., Rahman M.M., & Sarker, J(2018) Optimization of 17@Methyltestesterone hormone during masculinization of nile tilapia. Journal of NSTU
  6. Sarker, J., Tanmay, M. H., Rahman, F., Patwary, M. S. A., & Rima, N. N. (2016). Assessment of Coastal Water Pollution In Greater Noakhali-Bangladesh. J Coast Zone Manag19, 427

Experiences and Activities



  • Training of Trainers Course on Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management( EAFM) organized by Enhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh(ECOFISH-Bangladesh)